I am kind of torn over the following issue: Read this first: (its really short) New Law I sit here with mixed emotions. I would like to say that I am happy. Happy because 80% of the time the persons (white, black, Hispanic, etc) dressing like this are rude and disrespectful as it fits the lifestyle that goes hand and hand with this 'style'. Eliminating it goes as far as to eliminate the foulness it displays to the public of our society. However, it is a step towards yet another limit on our basic rights. The right of free speech? Maybe not literal speech but speech comes in different ways. Freedom of _______? You fill in the blanks.... Overall, I'd say it is a step forward but it should put us all on our toes to watch what else could come down the pipe that may not be in 'our' best interest. Salut! Twisty Powered by ScribeFire. |
Comments on "Torn"
Twist - I saw this earlier. It's pretty f***ing sad. Welcome to fascist amerika....
- Neo