Our Borders Are Becoming A Laugh
Ok, although some think I may be all about senseless acts of random violence... I'm not. However, I AM for capital punishment and all this liberal whining and this 'sue-happy' nation is crushing everything we are and stand for. Take the following article for example. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070424/ap_on_re_us/border_patrol_shooting_2 I am not sure whether or not A or B was right or wrong. What I DO know is (A) was breaking a law, breaking into our country and not doing 1 single legal thing. Just like if as if (A) was breaking into my house. I'd get sued for protecting myself or my property. There are numerous cases right now before the courts where border agents, doing their jobs have shot at, injured or killed ILLEGAL aliens resisting arrest... (not just running but resisting) Some have even shot back or lured our agents on high speed chases (with trucks full of drugs) and who gets in trouble? Our border POLICE. Pretty soon two things WILL happen. 1) Our agents just like a lot of our police officers are going to be afraid to do their jobs in fear of being sued or sent to prison and 2) The Mexicans that do not want to become LEGAL citizens will be laughing at our security knowing they can get away with whatever they want. Which one of those sounds good for us? Neither? Oh my, maybe you do agree... There is already one agent in prison for shooting at an illegal that led them on a high speed chase (carrying a LOT of illegal drugs), was carrying something that seemed 'gun-like' and shot at the suspect leaving an injury not death. He was sued, fired, arrested, and hung out to dry by our government. Hell in a handbasket is all I'm saying people.... Sigh, Now I'm too worked up to even type. -Twisty Powered by ScribeFire. |
Comments on "Our Borders Are Becoming A Laugh"
Twist - Check on your word wrapping. Your text is running off into your side bar.
That aside. You're right, it's a joke. We need to start having public executions to show people we mean business. Maybe then someone would get the clue that we aren't playing games.
- Neo
Interesting. They looked fine to me but maybe its due to me using Firefox or a larger screen. I've removed Stumble now, does it look normal now?