Same Ole Situation
"It's the same ol', same ol' situation It's the same ol', same ol' ball and chain" MotleyCrue Today my back is friggen killing me. Got one of them there 'cricks' below the shoulder blade that hurts when I do little things like turn the steering wheel a certain way or even breathe too heavily. Gotta get back into shape this desk job is killing me physically. "Backed up" a few DVDs this weekend. All the ones I've done so far on DVD+R have only worked in my RCA 5 disk changer (about 5+ years old) but wont play in my XBox. The DVD+Rs that my friends have made for me work in XBox but not in changer. I guess its good that it works in a normal DVD player but heres my problem. That DVD player is in the bedroom. The 57" HD Widescreen is in the living room feeding off of the XBox. (XBox has the HD connector) and I dont want to go buy more. Gotta sort that out. Also some of the ones will need dual layered DVDs and thats gonna get pricy. I bought a spool of 100 DVD+R single layers thinking I'd get most done with them but noooooooooo. So the images (ISOs) that I've ripped to computer are eating away at my hard drive space until I find media to burn them on.... Sigh. I could rant more but I'll take a small commercial break. -Twisty |
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