Week 1 Javier Serrano

Week 2 Luciano Melendres

Week 3 Michael Caldera De Latorre

Week 4 Doroteo Calles Hernandez

Closed for lack of interest. =)

"The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face."

- Jack Handy


"I'd rather be rich than stupid."

- Jack Handy


"When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges."

- Jack Handy


"To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kind of scary. I've wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus, and a clown killed my dad."

- Jack Handy

Location: United States

Rogue travelers in this world we are, helping others, setting our own happiness aside. The page turns and each day, week, month, or year brings us a new challenge. Each challenge brings us a new happiness. Each new happiness brings us a new heartache when the times to sever the ties arrive almost too abruptly.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I Think I Have A Problem

The first stage or step in working through any problem is of course admitting you have said problem. And with that I will say the said problem is money. I make 'decent' money and I spend a lot. Not a big spender or such in blowing it as I get it but more like a background debt growth that kind of grabs you by the balls when its too late. I've got to get a hold of this thing. I've got too many of the Devil Cards and a couple consolidation loans I need to pay off. Geez I look screwed forever.

I've recently taken over this part of the finances from the wife who generally handled all of that stuff. God, if I had only seen this years ago there would have been some tire marks from me slamming on the breaks. Geez I need a debt recovery program... I need to write out a budget.

Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Eeeee-Gads!


Comments on "I Think I Have A Problem"


Blogger Neo said ... (4:54 PM) : 

Twist - Just send me all your cash and I'll watch out for your finances. ;)


- Neo


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