Week 1 Javier Serrano

Week 2 Luciano Melendres

Week 3 Michael Caldera De Latorre

Week 4 Doroteo Calles Hernandez

Closed for lack of interest. =)

"The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face."

- Jack Handy


"I'd rather be rich than stupid."

- Jack Handy


"When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges."

- Jack Handy


"To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kind of scary. I've wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus, and a clown killed my dad."

- Jack Handy

Location: United States

Rogue travelers in this world we are, helping others, setting our own happiness aside. The page turns and each day, week, month, or year brings us a new challenge. Each challenge brings us a new happiness. Each new happiness brings us a new heartache when the times to sever the ties arrive almost too abruptly.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Smashing Baby!

Well I've kept busy again. It's that time of year when people feel obligated to drag friends and family to weddings and we as friends and family feel obligated to go. I've already got 3 weddings in my date book and at least one of them is over. Unfortunately that was the only one I was looking forward to so now there isn't anything to look forward to now.

This first one was for a friend here at work and I have absolutely zero job description, requirements or obligations once at the wedding so for the first time in forever I don't feel all annoyed going. I enjoyed myself and got to relax and enjoy the wedding. I would have to say the only wedding aside from this that I remember having a good time was another friend of mines two years ago. It was SMASHING baby! Here are a few pictures of yours truly afterwards.

Ok, enough about me! Well this is all about me right? We had this wedding on Saturday only to drive all the way back to Raleigh from Fayette'nam and try to catch up with some friends before St. Patty's Day was over... We caught up and had a decent time in the last few hours before we retired to the Waffle House for the post alcohol syrup binge. Retired home for the evening to enjoy a good snooze and relaxing Sunday. (Pictures may follow but the camera wasn't mine so I don't have them yet.)

I've got another wedding this coming Saturday with some closer friends but I have a feeling it won't be as smashing as I'd like... not sure why but... I'm sure it won't.

THEN in some time in may my little sister is getting married. I like the guy but there, again, is something uncomfortable about it all. Maybe it is because I will feel even older than I do now. Oh well once all these things are out of the way I can go back to enjoying my own free time and money. Bleh

- Twisty

Comments on "Smashing Baby!"


Blogger Neo said ... (6:30 PM) : 

Twist - You look like the dude from office space. ;)


Blogger TwistedPain said ... (6:00 AM) : 

uh, thanks... I think...


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