Much Ado....
I don't know these days. I mean so much going on and nowhere to get answers. The subject came up the other day and I begin to wonder if it is so wrong that I want something in particular. This one thing in particular is my own place. For anyone that stumbles here and says "Why, no everyone should get their own place!" Let me catch you up with this... I am married, not living with mom and pops. Now again I ask, "Is it wrong?" The statement means nothing ill towards the wife. We have our issues and all but this is 100% about me, even in a perfect marriage. I like privacy, more than one would be granted when living with someone with just a 'roommate'. I like silence, other than the sounds of the computer, TV, stereo, or dog's. I don't like being questioned where am I going or what am I doing every time I walk through the house. Dammit it drives me nuts! I'm not leaving, if I were to be 'going out' I'd friggen tell you already. Why do you need to know when I need to go take a leak or check something on the laptop. It comes with people not trusting you, with people being severely insecure, people being lonely, people being clingy, or people being downright nosy which is the one that drives me most batty. I want to be lazy. I want to be able to come home, change clothes, eat some chow, log on to WoW, play XBox, go for a walk, watch TV without people bitching about needing to do this or that, or have to complain to me for 30 minutes about stuff that I know nothing about. I don't mind hearing people rant if they need to but Jeebus! So, again, is it so wrong to want my own place? I'm not asking to be single in order to go date others, or party or anything its quite the opposite. It's to be ALONE! -Twisty Powered by ScribeFire. |
Comments on "Much Ado...."
Twist - I know bro, I know. That's why I drown myself in music. People and their cell phones talking about nothing. Then add into all of that the complaints they all have, and the questions. You just want to yell out at them "Just stfu!"
- Neo