What The (what?)? (Gentle Rant)
"What the fuck is this world running to? You didn't leave a message At least I could have heard your voice one last time " -PearlJam Ok, so now I've got this intruder that I catch around my house ever so often. Well more than actually catching him... I catch evidence of this aformentioned intruder. He's probably been around a while and watching the wife and I live our daily lives.... He may know secrets that noone should ever know, and after I saved his life he decides to come back around. I should have known better but I have a soft spot some times. Good thing his near tragedy did not occur on one of my GTH/RIH days. (thats Go To Hell/Rot In Hell for those that didnt catch the acronym.) This intruder, I'll call him Jerry, seems very laid back. Only coming around when he probably needs something. Never really causing much alarm or disturbance but its what he does in the background that has eventually raised my alarm and frustrations, as well as the wife's to a point that something must be done. This Jerry is a mooch. He contributes nothing to our family docile yet continues to take from the food we buy and feels free to roam about my house like he has no care in the world! If I could only catch him in the middle of it I would sooo.... grrrr.... Jerry! I'm comin' for you! Get ready because the battle is now officially on! You see, jerry was trapped once not too long ago. Not long after I got a chance to meet him, very informally. Lets just say he was caught up in a VERY sticky situation but after some tedious work, I helped him out and let him go his way. Of course after escorting him a distance away from the original place of trouble. Apparently that wasnt good enough because he's back. I tell you people... do something nice for someone and they will come back and use you over and over only to take advantage of your hospitality, generosity, and patience. Jerry the game must stop. I will be kind but you wont be around much longer, I assure you. One way or the other!!! -TP |
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I will. Oh yes, I will.