I've Been Out
Sorry been sick for a couple days, but I have the layout for the new WoW blog semi ready. Here it is. Oh boy remind me to tell you about all the commotion at my house last night!!!! -TP |
Closed for lack of interest. =)
"The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face."
- Jack Handy
"I'd rather be rich than stupid."
- Jack Handy
"When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges."
- Jack Handy
"To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kind of scary. I've wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus, and a clown killed my dad."
- Jack Handy
Rogue travelers in this world we are, helping others, setting our own happiness aside. The page turns and each day, week, month, or year brings us a new challenge. Each challenge brings us a new happiness. Each new happiness brings us a new heartache when the times to sever the ties arrive almost too abruptly.
Sorry been sick for a couple days, but I have the layout for the new WoW blog semi ready. Here it is. Oh boy remind me to tell you about all the commotion at my house last night!!!! -TP |
Ok, these days... well for a long while now 90% of my enjoyment out of life comes from my personal time that I use to interact with other individuals online. Mainly being a MMORPG. If you dont know what that means, long of it short, its an online game that allows people from all over the world to interact (real time) as a whole. You've probably seen me mention the game a couple times and it is..... World of Warcraft. ![]() Some of you may have played the beginning series of games, Warcraft I,II, and III. WoW is totally different. Well in stead of trying to turn all of you into fellow junkies, I'll stop the explaining. I do however think I will start up a blog just for that.... I wouldnt expect any of you to visit there and more than likely it'll die like every 'other' one of my blogs did within a week.... So with that I'll stop now since the more I type the more I feel this is a mistake.... -TP |
I am going nuts here. Where in the hell has all my flippin' money gone?!?!?! This is sickening. I can barely afford to eat, yet I drive a nice vehichle, and live in a great house.... This came from nowhere!!!! That is all I can stomach to say right now. -Twisty |
"Ooh and all I taught her was everything, Ooh I know she gave me all that she wore." -PearlJam "Won't you look down upon me, Jesus you've got to help me make a stand. You've just got to see me through another day. My body's aching and my time is at hand. And I wont make it any other way" -JamesTaylor |
Here is a copy of a post on my last blog. Dated 12/02/05. I may bring historical pieces back as time goes on. The previous blog was my brithplace and my original home to the friends I've made here. "Actually I will kind of copy a friend of mine's idea to push one golden nugget I was told by my father that I carry with me to this day. When I was younger my father said to me: "Son, use your blessings for your advantage and be whatever you're good at." - I've been an asshole ever since. =) As usual it was your pleasure. -Twisthole" Tada!!!! -Twisty |
"What the fuck is this world running to? You didn't leave a message At least I could have heard your voice one last time " -PearlJam Ok, so now I've got this intruder that I catch around my house ever so often. Well more than actually catching him... I catch evidence of this aformentioned intruder. He's probably been around a while and watching the wife and I live our daily lives.... He may know secrets that noone should ever know, and after I saved his life he decides to come back around. I should have known better but I have a soft spot some times. Good thing his near tragedy did not occur on one of my GTH/RIH days. (thats Go To Hell/Rot In Hell for those that didnt catch the acronym.) This intruder, I'll call him Jerry, seems very laid back. Only coming around when he probably needs something. Never really causing much alarm or disturbance but its what he does in the background that has eventually raised my alarm and frustrations, as well as the wife's to a point that something must be done. This Jerry is a mooch. He contributes nothing to our family docile yet continues to take from the food we buy and feels free to roam about my house like he has no care in the world! If I could only catch him in the middle of it I would sooo.... grrrr.... Jerry! I'm comin' for you! Get ready because the battle is now officially on! You see, jerry was trapped once not too long ago. Not long after I got a chance to meet him, very informally. Lets just say he was caught up in a VERY sticky situation but after some tedious work, I helped him out and let him go his way. Of course after escorting him a distance away from the original place of trouble. Apparently that wasnt good enough because he's back. I tell you people... do something nice for someone and they will come back and use you over and over only to take advantage of your hospitality, generosity, and patience. Jerry the game must stop. I will be kind but you wont be around much longer, I assure you. One way or the other!!! -TP |
to him...![]() No, he's not a serial killer with a guitar he is a kick ass guitarist with a gimmick that just creeps some out and makes others laugh. He doesnt show his face and I'm not sure anyone knows who he is but he's been around a while. He is ... (wait for it...) ... Buckethead! If you know of him then I'm sure you probably like him. If you havent... Good God man, go find a way to listen to him! From me to you, -Twisty |
![]() The first stage or step in working through any problem is of course admitting you have said problem. And with that I will say the said problem is money. I make 'decent' money and I spend a lot. Not a big spender or such in blowing it as I get it but more like a background debt growth that kind of grabs you by the balls when its too late. I've got to get a hold of this thing. I've got too many of the Devil Cards and a couple consolidation loans I need to pay off. Geez I look screwed forever. ![]() I've recently taken over this part of the finances from the wife who generally handled all of that stuff. God, if I had only seen this years ago there would have been some tire marks from me slamming on the breaks. Geez I need a debt recovery program... I need to write out a budget. ![]() Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Eeeee-Gads! -Twisty |